Paintless Hail Repair In Denton, Texas
Conventional vs. Paintless Hail Repair In Denton, Texas
Choosing The Best Hail Repair Method In Denton, Texas
Conventional Hail Repair
Conventional hail repair is actually a blanket term referring to various methods and techniques that are regularly or traditionally used to remove dents, dings, and creases from the body of the car. It includes several processes that start with the removal of the paint from the damaged or dented surface. The dented surface is then pounded and pulled back into place and filler applied if need be. The surface is then prepared for painting. Its sanded, primed, painted and then a final layer of protective paint applied. As you can see, this method is rather time-consuming and quite expensive. These are some of the disadvantages of using conventional Allen, Texas hail repair methods. Another major disadvantage is that it requires the use of paints and other potentially harmful and polluting chemicals. One advantage of using conventional methods to repair hail damage is that it works out well with large or major dents.
Here below is a great example of what they do to your car if you decide to go with conventional or traditional repair.
Paintless Hail Repair
The Best Option
You must be wondering which is the best hail repair method to use in Denton, TX. The answer to this question is quite simple. You just have to compare the pros and cons of these two methods.
● PDR is faster than the conventional hail repair method
● PDR is cheaper than the traditional hail repair method
● PDR does not use paints or any chemicals that can pollute the environment
● PDR retains the original paint and body parts of the car
● PDR retains the original value and condition of the car
As you can see, it’s quite clear that you should visit DentPicks for a paintless hair repair job. That being said, you should also know that PDR has some restrictions especially if the dents are too large or in inaccessible areas.